Hilarious Doctor funny reply to patient short and clean Jokes

Doctor and patient humor jokes to free up your mind and make you laugh with cry.

More Doctor jokes : 

conversational jokes between doctor and patient

A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa. When he came back, his colleagues asked him how it had been. 'Oh, it was very disappointing,' he said. 'I didn't kill a thing. I'd have been better off staying here in the hospital'.

At the busy dental office where I work, one patient was always late. Once when I called to confirm an appointment, he said, “I’ll be about 15 minutes late. That won’t be a problem, will it?”
“No,” I told him. “We just won’t have time to give you an anesthetic.”
He arrived early.

The New England Journal Of Medicine
Reports That... !
"9 Out Of 10 Doctors Agree That 1 Out
Of 10 Doctors Is An Idiot..." 

Man1 : "The doctor said he would have me on my feet in two weeks."
Man2 : "Was he successful?"
Man 1: "Yup, I had to sell my car to pay his bill"

A man speaks frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant, and her contractions are only two minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?" the doctor queries.
"No, you idiot!" the man shouts. "This is her husband!"

Doctor to a rich man: Do you prefer a local anesthesia?
Rich man: I would rather prefer an imported one.

Man: Doctor, this bucket has a hole. Can u please repair it...?
DOC: Stupid, u know who i am?
Man: OF course, I heard that u r famous in "PLASTIC SURGERY"..........

"Doctor, I have a problem with my memory."
The doctor asks, "When did it start?"
The patient says, "When did what start?"

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